World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Pre-Beta Test Shows Potential


World of Warcraft: Shadowlands report points towards improvement in the game. Says it isn’t as frustrating as you’d be led to believe.

A preview of WoW: Shadowlands pre-beta test showcases the potential through a detailed description of the endgame mechanics. This might sound a little off at first, but this has the potential to open new doors for the franchise as it is released later this year. MMORPG’s long due expansion is an extensive one regarding its treatment of the game’s core gameplay functions.

Aimed at giving a holistic experience

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm reinvented the world of Azeroth, but Shadowlands moves beyond this. The developers said that they aimed to adjust the gameplay experience as a whole so that when new players enter, they get to play with like-minded newbies, and as they are moving and progressing ahead, they get to grind with the veterans.

Changes ahead

World of Warcraft: Shadowland will have half the levels as the previous one. Currently, at 120, the maximum level will be reduced to 60. So, players have to hit the max on a character while the levels have been halved. This will immensely impact the way players make their progress through the storyline of the game. Thus, you’ll have to focus more on the contents of the zone and storyline instead of roaming around expansion areas respective to your level.

We are now, in the endgame

The endgame carries another significant change. As reported by Polygon, the game will see players come back to The Maw. The hell of the Warcraft lore. The endgame grind revolves around hammering players with debuffs while they complete the content. As per the report, the Maw will ignite a feeling of The Jailer, the antagonist of the expansion. If you spend more time than required inside, the Maw will increase debuffs to a point where it becomes extremely tough to solve- and then it becomes downright impossible. If this happens, come back tomorrow.

Not as tedious as it sounds

The game, Wow Shadowlands, isn’t as frustrating as we thought. Please go through the detailed report to understand more about how the game is played and how it is much better than expected. The obstacles in The Maw take time to build up, so they can’t directly hinder the quest, often. Endgame might also get an upgrade later on, as it suggests that the time required to stay in The Maw increases as the game progresses.

And much more is left to be explored in the endgame content; it seems unlikely that fans will get to know enough about the gameplay loops and experience before the beta stage release. At first, the game sounds off-putting, the potential remains sky-high since the endgame approach leaves much to be discovered. The plan will also set down the environmental feel of the whole game. The makers- Blizzard- have been criticized for being repetitive and stagnant, this alternate endgame approach seems like just what the doctor ordered.

Edward Lewis is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.

Source : World of Warcraft


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